Preparing to bid farewell to this year, let’s take a moment with English Zone to look back at those thrilling activities which took place in the past month. November, the transition period of the new year, has provided us numerous opportunities to learn, connect and celebrate good values through EZ Talks and Boardgames, as well as other inspiring Club activities at B2 English Zone.
Kicking off the EZ Talks & Boardgames activities in November is the event “Be Our Guess” with the boardgame Codenames. In the universe of two groups of spies, each team must follow instructions from their captains, meet other spies, tell the password and bring documents back safely.
Decoding spies with the boardgame Codenames
Returning from the world of professional spies, UEHers were greeted with “The Dictator” and the boardgame “Secret H”. Secret H is a dramatic game of political intrigue and betrayal set in 1930s Germany, in which fascists teamed up to create discord and placed their cold-blooded leader in the government bureaucracy. People who belong to liberal party must find and stop H before it is too late.
Tense and mind-bending battles between the two sides in Secret H
Finally, “The Final Auction” with the boardgame “Monopoly BID” closed the November boardgame tour. Engaging in the world of banknotes and its rotation, UEHers have the opportunity to apply some of their skills as an economist. The game created a very lively and enjoyable atmosphere.
Coming to UEH English Zone, students not only get the chance to improve their English and communication skills through interesting games, but they could also express and exchange ideas, opinions, and thoughts via conversations at “EZ Talks” with many unique topics in November.
In response to World Immunization Day, UEH English Zone hosted the “How are you?” event, which focused on health in general and immunization in particular. The event was an opportunity for students to share their views about vaccinations and health habits.
Topic “How are you?” about Vaccination and Health
More particularly, on November 20th, a special occasion that allowed us to have a small pause and reflect on the tremendous impact that educators have on our lives. This was a day dedicated to expressing appreciation and gratitude for the eternal efforts of teachers who have devoted themselves to shaping the minds and nurturing future generations. On this occasion, UEH English Zone held a fashion show with the theme “Teacher’s Coming,” in which you dressed up as your beloved teacher and expressed your feelings to everyone. This was a highly intriguing activity activity and everyone participated enthusiastically. Let’s take a look at some memorable moments in the event:
In a society that we can sometimes feel divided and isolated, World Kindness Day Appreciation Station serves as a reminder of simple acts of kindness. Through the conversation, students had an opportunity to look back, reflect and act more. Finally, closing a busy, energetic November with a holiday theme, the EZ Talk “I’m off” brought a breath of fresh air and relaxation to the students after a month of working and studying hard.
In addition, UEH English Zone also collaborated with BELL UEH English Club to organize “Speaking Group Extended” sessions such as “Into The Fear” to provide students the chances to voice their concerns, which could help ease the inner insecurities. Besides, UEHers would also learn more about the other students’ experiences as well as sharings that could help you to improve your soft skills. The program “Not Shy – Break Ice” has also received a positive response. Through the program, students had the opportunity to share about their shyness and “break the ice” together. Moreover, the ECoff program with the theme “Idea-l” which was organized by the Union – Association of the UEH Foreign Language Faculty also provided useful knowledge on how to create original and creative content.
Club activities at English with Bell club and Youth Union of
To learn more about useful English programs, please follow the fanpage of UEH English Zone to update the latest information about regular activities of English Zone!
News and photos: Department of Student Affairs